Disorders Such As Gambling Disorder And Internet

Posted By admin On 08/04/22
Disorders Such As Gambling Disorder And InternetLucas Berg

What is Pathological Gambling

Pathological gambling, also known as compulsive gambling or disordered gambling, including harmful physical, psychological and social effects, is a recognized psychiatric illness marked by a history of continued gambling. In this article, we will talk about pathological gambling addiction.


Studies in Asia, Europe, and North America estimate the Internet gaming disorder rates to be from percent. 3 to 12 Disorders such as gambling disorder and Internet gaming disorder are considered disorders. Researchers who study gambling disorders (e.g., Kuss & Griffiths, 2012; Shaffer et al., 2004) argue that all addictions, including behavioral addictions such as pathological gambling, are manifestations of an underlying addiction syndrome with similar behavioral and neurobiological characteristics.


Than harm attributed to drug dependence disorder. Serious problem gambling, referred to as pathological gambling, was first included in the DSM-III in 1980. In the DSM-V it was renamed gambling disorder and placed in the new ‘Addictions and Related Disorders’ category. It is the only non-substance addiction included. Addiction professionals and the public are recognizing that certain nonsubstance behaviors-such as gambling, Internet use, video-game playing, sex, eating, and shopping-bear resemblance to alcohol and drug dependence.

Gambling is a widespread activity. Although the type of games played over the years varies, gambling addiction, which is a challenge in impulse control, persists every term. Nowadays, sports betting games especially played through the internet, are becoming increasingly common. The ability to place, track, and deposit / withdraw… These bets on the internet make it very easy to get addicted.

Individuals with gambling addiction;

  • Ponders over gambling (for example, reliving past gambling experiences, blocking or designing the next game, or contemplating ways to raise money for gambling),
  • Needs to gamble with large amounts of money to get excited.
  • Attempts to control, reduce, or quit gambling many times,
  • Uses gambling to avoid problems or to get rid of a negative mood (eg feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression),
  • Gambles again to get the lost money.
  • Lies to family members, therapists or others to hide how much they are gambling,
  • Engages in illegal acts, such as fraud, theft, embezzlement, to provide the money needed to gamble,
  • Jeopardizes or loses an important relationship, work or education, or an opportunity to gain success in or from a profession, due to gambling.

Antidepressant, anticonvulsant and antipsychotic drugs that are useful in the treatment of this disorder to provide impulse control. Cognitive behavioral therapy is the most common herapy. Besides that, environmental regulations, treatments for possible underlying mental disorders and family management are the other reasons.

AuthorRecent PostsCindy Brown

Disorders Such As Gambling Disorder And Internet Connection

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Disorders Such As Gambling Disorder And Internet Addiction