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A member of one of the Germanic tribes of the Rhine region in the early Christian era, especially one of the Salian Franks who conquered Gaul about ad 500 and established an extensive empire that reached its greatest power in the ninth century.
[Middle English, from Old English Franca and Old French Franc, both from Late Latin Francus, of Germanic origin.]

frank 1

(frăngk)adj.frank·er, frank·est
1. Open and sincere in expression; straightforward: made several frank remarks about the quality of their work.
tr.v.franked, frank·ing, franks1.
a. To put an official mark on (a piece of mail) so that it can be sent free of charge.
2. To place a stamp or mark on (a piece of mail) to show the payment of postage.
a. A mark or signature placed on a piece of mail to indicate the right to send it free of charge.
2. A franked piece of mail.
[Middle English, free, from Old French franc, from Late Latin Francus, Frank; see Frank.]
Synonyms: frank1, candid, forthright, outspoken, straightforward, open
These adjectives mean revealing or disposed to reveal one's thoughts freely and honestly. Frank implies directness, sometimes to the point of bluntness: 'And yes, to be frank, the singing was atrocious' (Eileen Pollack).
Candid and forthright often suggest refusal to evade difficult or unpleasant issues: 'Save, save, oh save me from the candid friend!' (George Canning).'He wanted his countrymen to know the truth, and he was forthright about the challenges they faced' (Sean Hannity).
Outspoken usually implies bold lack of reserve: 'She is outspoken to the point of never holding back, on politics or much else' (Joseph Epstein).
Straightforward denotes directness of manner and expression: 'George was a straightforward soul....'See here!' he said. 'Are you engaged to anybody?' (Booth Tarkington).
Open suggests freedom from all trace of reserve or secretiveness: 'I will be open and sincere with you' (Joseph Addison).

frank 2

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(fræŋk) adj
1. honest and straightforward in speech or attitude: a frank person.
3. open and avowed; undisguised: frank interest.
vb (tr)
5. (Telecommunications) chieflyBrit to put a mark on (a letter, parcel, etc), either cancelling the postage stamp or in place of a stamp, ensuring free carriage. See also postmark
6. (Telecommunications) to mark (a letter, parcel, etc) with an official mark or signature, indicating the right of free delivery
7. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to facilitate or assist (a person) to come and go, pass, or enter easily
8. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) to obtain immunity for or exempt (a person)
9. (Telecommunications) an official mark or signature affixed to a letter, parcel, etc, ensuring free delivery or delivery without stamps
10. (Telecommunications) the privilege, issued to certain people and establishments, entitling them to delivery without postage stamps
[C13: from Old French franc, from Medieval Latin francus free; identical with Frank (in Frankish Gaul only members of this people enjoyed full freedom)]


(fræŋk) n
(Historical Terms) a member of a group of West Germanic peoples who spread from the east bank of the middle Rhine into the Roman Empire in the late 4th century ad, gradually conquering most of Gaul and Germany. The Franks achieved their greatest power under Charlemagne
[Old English Franca; related to Old High German Franko; perhaps from the name of a typical Frankish weapon (compare Old English franca javelin)]


(Dutch fraŋk) n
1. (Biography) Anne. 1929–45, German Jewess, whose Diary (1947) recorded the experiences of her family while in hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam (1942–44). They were betrayed and she died in a concentration camp
2. (Biography) Robert. born 1924, US photographer and film maker, born in Switzerland; best known for his photographic book The Americans (1959)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


adj. , frank•er, frank•est,
1. direct and unreserved in speech: frank criticism.
2. lacking inhibition or subterfuge: frank curiosity.
3. unmistakable; clinically evident: frank blood.
4. a stamp, printed marking, or signature on a piece of mail indicating that postal charges have been paid.
5. to mark (mail) for transmission by virtue of a frank.
7. to facilitate the comings and goings of (a person).
[1250–1300; Middle English < Old French franc < Late Latin francus free, orig. Frank1]
syn: frank, candid, open, outspoken imply a freedom and boldness in speaking. frank implies a straightforward, almost tactless expression of one's real opinions or sentiments: He was frank in his rejection of the proposal. candid suggests sincerity, truthfulness, and impartiality: a candid appraisal of her work. open implies a lack of reserve or of concealment: open antagonism. outspoken suggests free and bold expression, even when inappropriate: an outspoken and unnecessary show of disapproval.


[1900–05, Amer.; by shortening]


1. a member of a confederation of Germanic peoples living on the right bank of the lower Rhine in the 3rd century a.d. and by the 6th century ruling most of what is now France, the Low Countries, and W Germany.
2. an inhabitant of the early medieval polities founded by the Franks.
3. (now in historical contexts) any native of W Europe.


(fræŋk, frɑŋk)
Anne, 1929–45, German Jewish girl who died in Belsen concentration camp in Germany: her diaries about her family hiding from Nazis in Amsterdam (1942–44) published in 1947.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: franked
Gerund: franking
I frank
you frank
he/she/it franks
we frank
you frank
they frank
I franked
you franked
he/she/it franked
we franked
you franked
they franked
Present Continuous
I am franking
you are franking
he/she/it is franking
we are franking
you are franking
they are franking
Present Perfect
I have franked
you have franked
he/she/it has franked
we have franked
you have franked
they have franked
Past Continuous
I was franking
you were franking
he/she/it was franking
we were franking
you were franking
they were franking
Past Perfect
I had franked
you had franked
he/she/it had franked
we had franked
you had franked
they had franked
I will frank
you will frank
he/she/it will frank
we will frank
you will frank
they will frank
Future Perfect
I will have franked
you will have franked
he/she/it will have franked
we will have franked
you will have franked
they will have franked
Future Continuous
I will be franking
you will be franking
he/she/it will be franking
we will be franking
you will be franking
they will be franking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been franking
you have been franking
he/she/it has been franking
we have been franking
you have been franking
they have been franking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been franking
you will have been franking
he/she/it will have been franking
we will have been franking
you will have been franking
they will have been franking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been franking
you had been franking
he/she/it had been franking
we had been franking
you had been franking
they had been franking
I would frank
you would frank
he/she/it would frank
we would frank
you would frank
they would frank
Past Conditional
I would have franked
you would have franked
he/she/it would have franked
we would have franked
you would have franked
they would have franked
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.Frank - a member of the ancient Germanic peoples who spread from the Rhine into the Roman Empire in the 4th century
European - a native or inhabitant of Europe
Salian, Salian Frank - a member of the tribe of Franks who settled in the Netherlands in the 4th century AD
2.frank - a smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked; often served on a bread roll
frankfurter, weenie, wienerwurst, wiener, hot dog, hotdog, dog
sausage - highly seasoned minced meat stuffed in casings
Vienna sausage - short slender frankfurter usually with ends cut off
red hot, hot dog, hotdog - a frankfurter served hot on a bun
Verb1.frank - stamp with a postmark to indicate date and time of mailing
stamp - to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something; 'a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps'
2.frank - exempt by means of an official pass or letter, as from customs or other checks
let off, excuse, exempt, relieve - grant exemption or release to; 'Please excuse me from this class'
Adj.1.frank - characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; 'blunt talking and straight shooting'; 'a blunt New England farmer'; 'I gave them my candid opinion'; 'forthright criticism'; 'a forthright approach to the problem'; 'tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank'; 'it is possible to be outspoken without being rude'; 'plainspoken and to the point'; 'a point-blank accusation'
candid, forthright, free-spoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder, outspoken, plainspoken, blunt
direct - straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action; 'a direct question'; 'a direct response'; 'a direct approach'
2.frank - clearly manifest; evident; 'frank enjoyment'
obvious - easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; 'obvious errors'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.candid, open, free, round, direct, plain, straightforward, blunt, outright, sincere, outspoken, honest, downright, truthful, forthright, upfront(informal), unrestricted, plain-spoken, unreserved, artless, ingenuous, straight from the shoulder(informal)They had a frank discussion about the issue.
candidreserved, shy, indirect, cunning, secretive, crafty, evasive, reticent, artful, inscrutable, shifty, underhand

Frank Drugs

2.unconcealed, open, complete, obvious, genuine, evident, utter, explicit, manifest, transparent, unmistakable, out-and-out, wholehearted, undisguised, dinkum(Austral & N.Z. informal), thoroughgoing, unfeignedwith frank admiration on his face
1.postmark, mark, stampThe letter was franked in London.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



Frank Ocbc

Manifesting honesty and directness, especially in speech:
candid, direct, downright, forthright, honest, ingenuous, man-to-man, open, plainspoken, straight, straightforward, straight-out, unreserved.
Informal: straight-from-the-shoulder, straight-shooting.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1[fræŋk]N (Hist) → franco/a m/f


1[fræŋk]ADJ (franker (compar) (frankest (superl))) → franco
to be frank (with you)para serte franco, sinceramente


2[fræŋk]VT [+ letter] → franquear
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[person] → franc(franche)
to be frank → pour être franc, franchement
vt [+ letter] → affranchir
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



adj (+er) personoffen; opinion alsoehrlich; comment, discussion alsofreimütig; to be frank with somebodyehrlichoroffen mit orzu jdm sein; he wasn’t very frank about iter äußerte sich nicht sehr offen dazu; to be (perfectly) frank (with you)um (ganz) ehrlichzu sein


vt letterfrankieren; (= postmark)letterstempeln
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1[fræŋk]adj (-er (comp) (-est (superl))) → franco/a, sincero/a, aperto/a


2[fræŋk]vt (letter) → affrancare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(frӕŋk) adjective
saying or showing openly what is in one's mind; honest. a frank person; a frank reply. reguit صَريح искрен franco upřímný offen åbenhjertig ειλικρινήςfranco aval, avameelne بی شیله پیله vilpitön franc גְלוּי-לֵב स्पष्टवादी, सरल iskren, otvoren őszinte terus-terang hreinskilinn franco 率直な 솔직한 atviras atklāts; vaļsirdīgs terus-terang openhartigåpen, oppriktig, ærligszczery روک franco franc, deschis; sincer откровенный úprimný, priamy, obnovený odkritosrčen iskren rättfram, uppriktig เปิดเผย samimî, dürüst 直率的,老實的 щирий, відвертий بے تکلف، صاف صاف thành thật 直率的,老实的
to mark a letter by machine to show that postage has been paid. frankeer يُعَلِّم رِسالَة بِالماكِنَة لِلدَّلالَة بِأن رَسْم البَريد مَدفوع таксувам franquear (o)frankovat einen Brief mit der Maschine frankieren frankere σφραγίζω γράμμα franquear frankeerima نشان یا مهر پست که نشان می دهد هزینه پرداخت شده frankeerata affranchir לְהַחתִים टिकट लगा, पत्र आदि पर टिकट छापना कि भुगतान कर दिया गया frankirati, poništavati poštarinu bérmentesít mencap merkja/stimpla með póstburðargjaldstimpli affrancare 料金別納郵便の印を押す (우편물에) 무료 송달의 표시를 찍다 frankuoti apzīmogot (vēstuli, pasta sūtījumu) mengecap frankerenfrankere oznaczać stemplem opłatę zryczałtowaną دليك يا بل شى بى ټكټه استول (په پوسته كى franquear a timbra франкировать ofrankovať frankirati platiti poštarinu frankostämpla ประทับตราให้ผ่านว่าได้ชำระเงินค่าบริการไปรษณีย์แล้ว damgalamak 在信件上蓋郵資已付印戳 франкувати ڈاک پر مہر لگانا đóng dấu hay dán tem trên (một lá thư...) để chỉ rằng bưu phí đã được thanh toán 在信件上盖邮资已付印戳,免费邮寄
ˈfrankly adverb
reguit بِصَراحَه искрено francamente upřímně offen åbenhjertigt ειλικρινάfrancamente ausalt صادقانه suoraan sincèrementבכנות निष्कपटता से iskreno őszintén dengan terus-terang hreinskilnislega francamente 率直に 솔직히 atvirai atklāti; vaļsirdīgi secara terus-terang openhartigoppriktig; for å si det som det erszczerze په رو كه (ډانګ پييلى francamente franc, sincer откровнно úprimne, priamo na rovinu iskreno iskreno uppriktigt [sagt], ärligt [talat] อย่างตรงไปตรงมา açıkça, dobra dobra 直率地 щиро, відверто صاف گوئی کے ساتھ thành thực mà nói 直率地
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


a. obvio-a, rel. a una condición fisica presente.

Frank Gore

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