Diana's Throne Slot Canyon

Posted By admin On 06/04/22

Diana's Throne Canyon, also known as the Huntress Slot, is a great easy slot canyon located near Hwy 89 between Mt Carmel Jct and Kanab UT. The canyon boasts 2 major rappel sequences (2-3 rappels) and lots of down climbing. It is a great beginner canyon, and is used by a number of guiding companies in the area. Diana's Throne Canyon Zion beta posted by Nick Smith, Jun 27. The creator of this information and/or Canyon Collective are not liable for any harm or damage caused. Lucy admiring the view - Dianas Throne Diana's Throne offers a great beginning canyoneer experience. All obstacles can be hiked around, with a little work, reducing the commitment level. The canyon itself is charming, with a short approach, and some very colorful passages. Short but scenic canyon near Zion National Park on the east side; perfect beginner canyon and a nice day if combined with the more challenging Red Cave Slots loop if you are in the Mount Carmel area. For a first-timer this would be a fine introduction to canyoneering. Diana's Throne Canyon On September 3nd, 2017, Nipun, Florian, Lacie, Derek, Tyler, Steph, and I took a relaxing lap through Diana's Throne Canyon. It was an excellent way to round out the trip.

On September 3nd, 2017, Nipun, Florian, Lacie, Derek, Tyler, Steph, and I took a relaxing lap through Diana's Throne Canyon. It was an excellent way to round out the trip.
There were several hundred bees in this particular pothole.
Luckily for us, they were far more interested in passing on their genetics than in attacking any intruders.
Florian is from France and does not speak very much English.
Then we turned an easy rappel into an opportunity for new folks to practice downclimbing.

It was a fine trip with a great group of people.
We look forward to the next time we can get out with each of you!

Diana's Throne Slot Canyon

Diana S Throne Slot Canyon

The Chamber of the Basilisk is a fantastic feature in the Goblin Valley State Park located in the San Rafael Swell area. The thing that makes the Chamber of the Basilisk so unique is that the slot canyon disappears into a hole in the ground!
If you are in the area of Goblin Valley and Hanksville and want an incredible route without a punishing approach, this may be the route for you.
Doing the full route requires technical gear, but you can get into the lower end of the chamber without it.
The Story Behind the Name:
On May 14 2011 my son Kessler and daughter Shaylee (this was to be their birthday trip as Shaylee turned 7 and May 4 and Kessler was to turn 9 on May 17), my wife Kimberly, coworker Justin and I were going to go do Crescent Creek slot after exploring Little Egypt. The weather forecast said hot and dry, but the skies were dark, cloudy and it looked like it could rain. We decided not to do a slot canyon and headed for Goblin Valley to do some exploring.
We explored around a bit and climbed a highpoint and explored around the mini-slot above the chamber. We didn’t bother taking ropes (I’d never taken them to Goblin Valley before) and we got to a drop which we weren’t sure if we could climb back up so I was thinking maybe we should come back with ropes and see what’s down there sometime. We didn’t expect too much, but it might be a cool place to kill some time.
On October 16 and during the Bogley gathering Scott (a different one), Brad, Kessler and I checked out a “new route” at White Roost Canyon (funny story). After seeing that we didn’t have enough time to reverse the “new route” and complete the standard route, I mentioned that there was this mini-slot in Goblin Valley (which was more or less on the way home) that I thought would only take a few hours. Brad and Scott were going to drive home instead, but last minute they decided to check it out with us.
This time we took a little wrong turn and ended up too far south, but we climbed a butte for some nice views and headed for the little slot. We followed the mini-slot down canyon and it just disappeared into a hole in the ground(!). We didn't expect anything like this. It didn't drop into a crack or a narrow slot, but just a hole. It was kind of intimidating to just look into a deep and dark black hole in the ground since we couldn't see what was down there or if you can get out of it.
I tied a kid’s pack onto the rope and tossed it down to see if it would hit bottom. It did and after measuring the excess rope, we figured that the “hole” was ~90 feet deep. Brad, the other Scott and I still wanted to see what was in the hole so we all decided that we would descend it after we helped Kim and the kids back to the head of the canyon so they could safely return back to the car the normal way.
We would all wait at the top of the hole though until someone rappelled down with ascenders to make sure that the route continued. We weren’t sure if the route was doable. Brad volunteered for the job and nervously rappelled into the hole. On the way down he yelled “I see light”, but he wasn’t sure if he could climb out of the Chamber to continue the route. When he got to the bottom of the Chamber he walked to the other side and made sure he could climb out the other side. He then yelled up that he could climb out and urged us to come down. Before we would drop into the hole though, Scott and I got ready to escort Kim and the kids back out of the slot canyon to Goblin Valley proper when seven year old Shaylee said “I want to go down down the hole”. It was a longer drop than they had ever gone down at the time, but we decided to let them. Shaylee had a huge smile (caught on camera) while descending into the hole.
We all rappelled into the hole and found that it opens up into this huge spectacular underground chamber. There were some huge holes in the ceiling so you don’t need a headlamp.
After admiring the chamber we exited and headed back. It was an awesome route and took us four hours (including all the exploratory time, tossing the pack down, measuring, etc.). We discussed names, but the kids wanted the name Chamber of the Basilisk named after the giant snake in Harry Potter and for the huge “snake hole” you rappel into to reach the chamber from the top.
On November 13 during the North Wash gathering, several Bogley members were looking for a short canyon to do on the way home. We volunteered to show the canyon and the kids were really eager to show off the place (since they felt like they pioneered the route). There was a pretty big group of us (all the people in the video) and we drove to the trailhead. With the kids usually leading the way and since we knew exactly how to get there now, we went straight to the entrance and down in. It was all done very efficiently and we all completed the route in ~two hours car to car.
Anyway, a moral to the story might be that no matter how well you think you know a place, there can still be features that you have missed and still room to explore. I’ve been going to Goblin Valley with my parents and siblings ever since I was a small child. My wife and I have been going since we knew each other and we’ve been taking the kids since they have been very tiny as well. The chamber was sitting right there under our noses for all these years before we got to see it. I thought there wasn’t much more to see in Goblin Valley that I already haven’t seen, but (as has been the case with some other areas as well) I was wrong. No matter how well you think you know aplace, there is always room to explore, including in places you’ve walked right by for years.
It's amazing how quickly an obscure place can turn popular. Chamber of the Basilisk is already a very popular destination, despite the fact that nothing was ever published on it until very recently. After we took them through, some people started calling the place Goblins Lair, but I prefer the name Chamber of the Basilisk. You may find the name Goblins Lair on some websites.